With custom images, automated savings challenges, roundups, and competitive interest rates. Along with all the protection that comes with being a fully regulated USA bank.
Spend more than $1, we'll round up the change to the nearest pound and add it to your Savings Pot.
Make saving a habit by putting money aside automatically every time you spend.
Pick from a range of savings options with competitive rates.
No one wants to muddle their savings with their spending money. We’ve designed the User System so you can keep your Savings Pots separate from your balance, but all in one convenient place.
Add any image to a Savings Pot to help you stay on track and achieve your goals.
Roundups automatically put your spare change from a payment into savings to help you save every day. We've also built automatic savings triggers to put money aside for you. Like putting a fiver into a Rainy Day Pot everytime it gets hotter than 20 degrees.