Put your salary into Save Trust and we can advance you the cash one day early. No cost, no hassle. Just more time with your money.
Sort your money between savings, bills and spending in a few taps. All your money neatly separated so you can't overspend, but still under one roof.
Pick a Pot to pay bills from, so you can't accidentally spend the rent. When a bill is due, we pay it from the Pot for you – easy.
Get instant notifications the second you pay. Set budgets for things like groceries and going out, and get warnings if you’re spending too fast (if you want them).
Use Save Trust anywhere in the world that accepts Mastercard. We don’t charge any fees for spending abroad, and we don’t mark up the exchange rate – unlike most other systems.
We offer overdrafts up to $500 and loans up to $3,000. Checking if you're eligible won't leave a mark on your credit score, there are no lengthy forms to fill in, and no charges for paying us back early.
Your money in Save Trust is FSCS protected up to $85,000. Compared to other USA Financial System, we’re 4x better at stopping card fraud, and 3x better at stopping identity theft.