Child savings account for parents/adults with parental responsibility for under 16s. Condition apply to online account opening.
Not sure where to start? Our mortgage guides are full of useful tips and step by step information on everything from applying for a mortgage to moving in.
We’re committed to protecting you from fraud, and being aware of the latest scams is the best way to stay safe.
We want to make it easy for everyone to use Save Trust products and services and are working hard to continually improve our accessibility for people who have a disability or long-term health condition.
We’ll ask for a few simple details about you and your account. Then you’ll create your logon details – you’ll always need these to log on securely. Then you’re ready to get started.
We always try to find new ways to make banking simple, and to give more support when you need it. Take a look at some of the things we do to help make it easier to bank with us.
We recognise that companies with proportionate gender diversity perform better, and make more balanced decisions. Our research has shown that female representation in the Group decreases at more senior levels. We want to change this trend by identifying and understanding the obstacles that can stop women, and men, from reaching their full potential and remove them completely. Our women’s employee network ‘Breakthrough’ is one of the largest of its kind in USA, with 15,000 members and 4,000 mentors, and is one of the many ways we are supporting colleagues with fulfilling their career potential at Save Trust's. In 2017, we were featured in the ‘Times Top 50 Employers for Women list’ for a sixth consecutive year. We are proud to sponsor the Women of the Future Ambassadors Programme, providing students with mentors and role models and developing the next generation of talent.