We're building a financial system together

By solving your problems, treating you fairly and being totally transparent, we believe we can make banking better.

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24/7 Services

Our online investment service is designed for people who are comfortable with making their own financial decisions without receiving personalised investment advice.

Easy to Access

We want to make it easy for everyone to use Vectra Trust products and services and are working hard to continually improve our accessibility for people who have a disability or long-term health condition.


Not sure where to start? Our mortgage guides are full of useful tips and step by step information on everything from applying for a mortgage to moving in.

Safe and Secure

We’re committed to protecting you from fraud, and being aware of the latest scams is the best way to stay safe.

Fast Transfer

Send Money Anytime, Anywhere In a Minute

We won't charge you for transferring money overseas. However, correspondent and recipient bank charges may apply

Useful to pay bills, your mortgage abroad or to send moneyUseful to pay bills, your mortgage abroad or to send money to friends and family abroad

Manage Your Money
Charge Free

Life Services from Vectra Trust Financial Services

We're here to support you with products, services and resources — for whatever life stage you may be experiencing

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International Current Account

The International Current Account is our everyday international bank account. We reserve the right to remove your Premier Banking service benefits and to move your Premier current account balance to a different account, which includes paying a monthly fee.

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We Bring Everything In One Place

To help you explore Insights and Guidance by helping you make better decisions.

Access your money anytime, anywhere in the world

Whatever your international needs, make sure that your money is working hard for you. From everyday transactions to large foreign exchange transfers, we can help you with our range of currency accounts and services.

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How We Works

Learn More About Us

Settling up a bunch of bills can be a pain. Everyone pays from their own account, and then when it’s time to settle up you have to do the dance of the bank details.

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